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Musical Bingo Tuesdays

Musical Bingo Tuesdays
Think you know a thing or two about music? Join us at the Seabreeze from 7pm every Tuesday for free Musical Bingo!
Every Tuesday
From 7pm
Seabreeze Hotel

There’s only one thing better than bingo, and that’s Musical Bingo.

Every Tuesday join us in the Bar from 7pm where you can show off your musical knowledge in Musical Bingo! Prizes will be on offer for our winners each and every week so make sure you’re on the ball as we drop the beats! Oh and entry is FREE!

Registration opens from 6pm, with all the action kicking off from 7pm.

So music buff or not, make sure you clear your schedule each Tuesday evening for Musical Bingo at the Seabreeze Hotel. To book your table for Musical Bingo call our team on (07) 4955 1644.

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