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Jag the Joker & Meat Tray Raffles

Jag the Joker & Meat Tray Raffles
Join us each Friday at 6pm for our Meat Tray Raffles and Jag the Joker!
Every Friday
From 6pm
Seabreeze Hotel

Meat Tray Raffles
Every Friday we raffle off a meat tray supplied by Slade Point Meats, with funds going to local sports club, Devils Carltons Senior Rugby League.

Jag the Joker
Try your luck with our Jag the Joker draw. If we draw your ticket, you’ll have the opportunity to draw a card from the deck, and if it’s the Joker, you will walk away with the entire pot of cold hard cash! If there’s no winner for the week, the pot amount will increase by $100. It’s a draw you can’t afford to miss!

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